Asereth Medical Services, Inc.
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Government Healthcare Staffing

Asereth Medical Services is registered with the CCR and ORCA

Asereth is a nationwide medical staffing firm with over twenty years of staffing experience. The company’s overall goal is to provide the most comprehensive patient care possible, while optimizing cost containment. The basic ingredients used in support of our combined goal of excellent patient care are: diligence, optimum training, monitoring, compliance, accountability, and an ongoing “Quality Assurance” program.
Asereth provides staffing for City, County and State hospitals. We service State Correctional Facilities, U.S. Federal Prisons System, U.S. Department Veterans Administration facilities (VA), Indian Health Services (IHS) facilities, AIDS clinics, U.S Military facilities, and special projects as requested. Asereth is an adaptable company and we work hard to meet all our clients’ medical staffing needs and requirements.

CALL 1-800-ASERETH (1-800-273-7384) TODAY!